1. Station Overview: Meet Your Coach Duke van Vleet!

Duke van Vleet was a competitive gymnast for 23 years. During that time, he was a 2-time US National Team Member. Duke was a scholarship athlete at Penn State where he was a member of the 2000 NCAA Championship Team and Captain of the 2004 NCAA Championship Team.

After graduating from Penn State, he became the assistant coach for the women’s gymnastics team and while coaching, he eventually found his way to Cirque du Soleil for an 8 year performance career. Seven of those years were spent on tour with Cirque du Soleil’s Corteo as a Tournik artist, as well as the strength & conditioning coach. He became a NASM certified personal trainer while on Corteo.

While on tour in Hamburg, Germany in January of 2013, he was introduced to CrossFit and quickly fell in love with the sport. Shortly after starting his CrossFit journey, Duke took the Level I Certification course. After retiring from Cirque du Soleil, Duke took the CrossFit Gymnastics Trainer Certification, and the USAW Sports Performance Certification Courses and is now the owner of Rising Wave Athletics in Los Angelos, California


Why Rings?

Ring training can be broken down into 2 separate categories:

  1. Strict/Strength-based Movement
  2. Dynamic/Swing-based Movement

Both components need to be worked on simultaneously to understand the proper building blocks to advanced skills. With this mentality in mind, a proper swing needs to be mastered in conjunction with strict action to eventually apply to a high level skill, such as a kipping muscle up. Any skill requiring a basic swing can never be fully mastered until the swing is in place and consistent.

What is this course?

The Ring Session is intended to improve understanding and implementation of: 

  1. False and Neutral Grips
  2. Support Strength
  3. Pulling Strength 
  4. Dip Strength
  5. Dynamic Shapes & Higher Level Skills

How is this experience presented?

Course participants will enter into a first-person lecture and movement practical in order to:

  1. Identify faults and implement proper correctives 
  2. Teach clients more effective ways to develop their strength and awareness in both strict and kipping movements
  3. Develop an understanding of the progressions and intention to maximize potential on a continuum of Ring Skills

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